Bull to retrun in 2010? Photo: William Lim. Model: Chenny

YOU ARE welcomed to highlight your favourite stocks for a portfolio that we are putting together, the NextInsight Readers’ Portfolio.  

his is a unique compilation of stock-picks for 2010 based not on any guru's wisdom but on our readers' choices!  

The stocks are cited in a thread, Stock Picks for 2010, started by a knowledgeable reader.

The current list (as of Dec 23) is shown below, with more stocks to come, we are sure, by year-end.

It is shaping up to be an interesting and unusual portfolio – certainly very different from any of the stock brokers’ recommended portfolios.

There is hardly any blue chip! Readers seem to prefer high-growth stocks - with some being relatively unknown to the market such as Techcomp and Hiap Hoe. Are they undiscovered gems?

Will the portfolio also outperfrom the market? We will track the NextInsight Readers’ Portfolio regularly in Q1. 

Tell us about your favourite stocks!




2010 starting price PE Dividend yield (ttm) Readers’ comments (for full comments, visit the forum)


      “I believe 2010 will be the tipping point for the Company…. my top pick for 2010. I believe this stock has the potential to be a 3-bagger if the management delivers in 2010.”
Broadway       “I believe 2010 is also a good year for technology stocks. Broadway is the cheapest HDD stock around.”
SMB       “…low valuation n potential future growth and high dividend yield. It has a cash holding of $50+ or more than 10cts per share.”
Eastern Asia       “…turnaround company. Company was restructured in the last 3 years and in the last 4 quarters company was profitable at the operation level. Believe profit will continue to grow.”
Changtian Plastic       “…has high level of cash and their adhesive tapes products though not exciting, remain necessities.
Junma Tyres       “…earnings are recovering. If you annualised the 3Q results, the PE is only 1.4x now… at 16 cents, the stock can easily jumped 50% to its NTA price of 24 cents”
Oceanus       “Watch out for trading of TDRs in Taiwan. This one has the fundamentals to appeal to Taiwanese - it's abalone food mah”
Design Studio       “…Have already turned in solid 9-month results; q4 will put the finishing touches to a splended year.”
Cityspring       “Chances are once the FED reverse their current stance the market will fall like dominos. One stock that I will still load up is Cityspring, cannot die one lah!”
Metro       “a) Low valuation. With NTA of $1.48 and price 78 cents, P/NTA is at 0.52.  b) Cheap Property Play on China. NTA mostly consist of shopping malls and offices in China. This is a inexpensive play on China properties, especially when compared to CapitaRChina. c) Low risk. Negligible gearing
Second Chance       High dividend policy
Rotary Engineering       “At its current price of about $1, it is not really a significant discount to its value. However, looking at other factors i.e. management, outlook, balance sheet, etc. Its current price seems to offer good value.”
Sinotel       “Because the company's news and story were always covered under NextInsight!”
Saizen REIT       “FA for Saizen already shows that its business is sound. Saizen would have repaid 3 more loans by end January 2010. It would be, financially, in better shape. I am confident it would be able to restart distributions from middle of 2010.”
Ascott REIT       “Well run business expanding in China.”
GuocoLeisure       “Well run, cheaply priced, gd management with decent dividend policy. It seems able to repay its debt over time without the need for rights issue. Owned by a Msian billionaire.”
Berlian Laju       “Cabotage laws will benefit it greatly. Soon to be the largest tanker shipping company in the world. Well run company despite the high gearing and attractively priced.”
Hiap Hoe       Co is one of the most exposed (in % terms of co’s projects) to the Orchard Road vicinity, and if analysts’ touting growth in prime area prices are correct, then it will not have problem selling its Orchard area condos. It’s hotel exposure will also benefit if the IRs take off next few years.”
Q&M       “Low supply of such stocks (no other dental counter, and only one of few medical counters) and good demand means price may gain from simple law of supply and demand. But with high PE already, stock is riskier compared to Hiap Hoe.”

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