Based on the circular issued by Federal on the Conversion and disposal of Federal II, the profit or gain from the disposal is minimal, i.e. S$65,000. See page 15, financial effect on EPS.
Before Disposal(S$'000) (1,692)
After Disposal(S$'000) (1,627)
===> Gain of S$65,000
However, what I like about the disposal is for paring down their debt as well as 5+5 cash flow from leasing out the FSO.
Use of Proceed:
"The net proceeds from the Proposed Disposal will be used to repay borrowings (including those referred to in paragraph 5.6 of this Circular) and serve as general working capital for the Group."
3.1 The Group has been committed to exploring various charter hire opportunities for the Vessel. The
Group believes that the Proposed Transactions, together with the Project , will be benefi cial to the
3.2 The Proposed Transactions will enable the Group to improve its cash flow position by realising the
value of the Vessel which has been off-hire since November 2010. The Group’s operating cash fl ow
will also improve as the Group has been incurring expenses to maintain the Vessel even though
the Vessel has been off-hire.
3.3 The carrying value of the Vessel may be subject to further impairment if the Vessel continues to be
off-hire. Further impairment of the carrying value of the Vessel will negatively impact the results of
the Group.
3.4 The Project allows the Vessel to be profi t generating and benefi ts the Group through its interest
in the Buyer. The Project will also allow the Group to seek out appropriate opportunities to further
expand its marine logistics business.