Q&M Dental's CEO, Dr Ng Chin Siau, posted the following text and photos today on Facebook: 

Swab covid5.20Today marks the end of our Q&M volunteers swabbing work since 23rd April 2020, in preparation for full dentistry work resumption come 1st June at the end of CB hopefully.

We had swabbed 14,000 foreign workers (FW).

Deployed 867 dentists and nurses sessions spending more than 2500 hours at more than 160 FCD (factories converted dormitories) in 24 full days of swabbing.

Our swabber dentists and nurses team had been fully protected by N99 masks, goggles with seal, white coverall, faceshields, surgical cap and shoe cover plus surgical gown.


We also double glove and change the outer pair of glove for every FW.

team covid5.20Q&M Dental's CEO, Dr Ng Chin Siau (foreground, with goggles), and team.
Some of our swabber dentists become specialised trainers of swabbers also, like Drs Choo Keang Hai, Hwang Yea Chau and Tan Hwee Hiang.

Special thanks to commanders dentists at our command centre like Drs Alvin Lee, Mohan, Chao Shu, Fadz, Tabitha, Luisa, Jun Xian plus HR Dave.

MID5 covid.20Many thanks to all our regular swabbers of more than 85 dentists plus more than 45 nurses!!!


All of your sacrifice at your office or non office hours without pay touch many hearts!

Thank you to BG Seet Uei Lim for representing Joint Task Force (Assurance) to present to our team a certificate of appreciation!

Thank you Chief Dental Office A/P Chng Chai Kiat for helping to propel Dentistry into the forefront by getting dentists to participate at the frontline fighting Covid together with our medical colleagues, MOH, MOM, SAF and MND!


My parroting phrase is always protection protection protection!!!

I pray that none of us here will ever ganna Covid having taken so much good precautions for all of us!!!

God bless all of you and Singapore!!!

peace covid5.20

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