cameroon_shop9.14He is one of many small shopkeepers who retail Food Empire's band of coffee, MacCoffee, in Cameroon. It sells in sachets as well as in tins. 

Photos from Facebook page of MacCoffee Cameroon

cameroon_map9.14Cameroon is a coffee producing nation. Map: Google.

CAMEROON had a population of about 20 million in 2011 and, compared with other African countries, enjoys relatively high political and social stability, according to Wikipedia.

It is one of the countries in west and east Africa which Singapore company Food Empire has introduced its instant coffee and 3-in-1 coffee to in recent years, starting with Nigeria and Kenya.

The photos on this page offer interesting glimpses into not only life in a faraway place but also how a Singapore-listed company goes about winning customers for its products.

Food Empire started business in Africa with 3-in-1 coffee mixes. Recently, it introduced its instant coffee range “MacCoffee Classic” in the form of 1.6g and 2g sachets as well as 50g,100g and 200g tins in west and east African markets, said Mr Abhishek Gupta, Regional Head of Food Empire.

tanwangcheow180x200Tan Wang Cheow, executive chairman of Food Empire.With a presence in over 60 countries, Food Empire's focus has long been on emerging markets, starting way back when it achieved success in Russia and Ukraine which now have become its top 2 markets.

Food Empire's revenue from "other markets" -- including Southeast Asia and Middle East -- grew sharply in 1H14 by 32.5%.

But in absolute dollars, the amount of US$15.1 million is still relatively small. Compare that with the US$70.2 million revenue from Russia alone in the same period.

And as a whole, "other markets" is only marginally profitable as some specific markets are loss-making while others, profitable.

(Incidentally, Food Empire's coffee brands MacCoffee and Klassno are just starting to be available in Singapore in places such as Giant's supermarkets).

cameroon_satchets9.14MacCoffee can be bought in 2 gram satchets costing the equivalent of 8 Singapore cents each. The product is produced and packed in India.

Cameroon_bigtin9.14At the other extreme of the size scale, MacCoffee instant coffee  is available in big 200-gram tins which are also the fastest-selling SKU.

cameroon_scooter9.14@ a tricycle sales van: The man in the white shirt is sales manager, Mr Venkat.

Cameroon_townshop9.14An air-conditioned retail outlet with a MacCoffee promotional posted on its doors.

cameroon_compete9.14Aside from mom-and-pop shops, Food Empire's range of products, including MacChocolate, can be found on the shelves of supermarkets (see picture below also).


cameroon_promoters9.14Food Empire's promoters going about town selling its 2-gram sachets of coffee.

Recent story: @ Food Empire's AGM: Updates on greenfield projects and more....

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