Please watch this broadcast.
Over the past century most recessions began during quarters with positive GDP growth...........ecri laksman .
Alright, irrespective whether right or wrong, have a stop on all investment to protect yourself if a crash happen. This is the only thing we can do. I see new low going forward. You see during these 2 to 3 mths, of mkt turmoil will definitely be reflected in the following quater with a recession. I belive we are already in a recssion. Usually people don't realise recession already occur until 6 mth later. And the same withthe end of reecession.
As to Kevin Scully, some of the stock he call hardly move, and he call ppl to buy for the high dividend yield, and wait for mkt to realise it value.So in the meantime, what shall we do, go play golf with him.
This is no season to go long, mkt definitely is not OK, increasing liquidity to bank does not means the problem is solve, it just delay the finale.
But with today mkt get whack down so much, aren"t you paying yourself dividend, considering your stock have gone down 30 to 40%???so what is your 8% dividend so great about.!!!
I come across one forumer..he said.." i have take a long term view." other word he got stuck because he did not have a stop loss, so have become a long term invester. This is not smart , this is stupidity.
If recession do come, your blues chip will be blues black and cheap., i am waiting to buy Capitaland at 1.5 again..
Euro is gone case. Next yr will be a year of reckoning,they got means to roll over the debt,thime is up and eastern europe will follow shortly after this, that will be another trillion dollar, with recession they will default for sure.
Use this bear rally to bail yourself out.