Almost two years it has been since our nasi lemak portfolio was first laid before your eyes.

Back then, reflecting the uncertainty that all stock picks start life with, the article headline had a tentative tone: 

Today, the portfolio has turned out very well, thank you. It's a sweet 143% gain on average for 19 stock picks. 

No. of stock picks: 19
Gainers: 14
Losers: 5
Average $ gain: + 143%

The portfolio, for those who are new to this, was initially cobbled together after a hearty meal of nasi lemak (and mee rebus) in MacPherson by six investors.

Each investor threw out a name or two along with a brief elevator pitch.

Since then, the portfolio, which began life in Aug 2015, has seen several stock purchases and sales along the way. It looks as follows now: 

For simplicity, the average gain of 143 % is based on each stock's current price (or realised price) and initial entry price, and dividends received, if any. 

That is, each stock had equal weightage in the portfolio and the stock's holding period was not a factor in calculating the gain/loss.  

Out of the 19 stock picks, 14 has made gains. There were outsized gainers without outsized losses. 

Best World International, with its 1,611% gain, was an outlier that comes your way once in a blue moon -- if at all.  

Its share price has sizzled after it was awarded a direct-selling licence by the Chinese authorities and after, simply, delivering strong profit numbers for 2016 and 1Q2017.

Aug 2015

Buy price: 21.5 c

Sept 2015-Aug 2016

4 cents dividends

Sept 2016: 1 for 4 bonus issue

Adjusted original buy price: 17.2 c
Adjusted dividend per share: 3.2 c

May 2017

3 cents dividend

May 2017: 2 for 1 stock split

Adjusted original buy price: 8.6 c
Adjusted dividend per share: 3.1 c

In case anyone is surprised by the low buy price (8.6 cents) shown in the table, we show the effects of corporate action on the actual original purchase price of 21.5 cents (see table). Ditto for the dividends.

What if we strip out Best World from the overall calculation of the portfolio gain? In its absence, the average stock gain was 61%, still a fantastic return.

HTL and AEM were the other two outperformers.

HTL's share price shot up 335% on a takeover offer by a Chinese party while AEM's stock surged 333% as its business ramped up deliveries of its new proprietary chip-testing machine to Intel.

This is the last article on the portfolio. 

In its place, we are calling for stock ideas from "good" investors to form a brand-new portfolio.

You are welcomed to post a stock idea (with a brief rationale) in the Comments section below, and we will consider it for inclusion.

Look out for an article to be published in July 2017. Meantime, as before, the following applies:

Cautionary note: The Nasi Lemak portfolio reflects the diverse investment interests and perspectives of several investors, each of whom has other stocks not revealed in this article. The point is, these investors' risk profiles and investment objectives are not fully known and may differ from yours.  

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#4 S 2017-06-22 09:49
Me thinks Sun Moon at this level with a market cap of S$30 million plus is ripe to be in the yet to be named portfolio.

Maybe City Neon as well? at a market cap of about S$240 million, half of UnUsUal and one third of MM2 ?
#3 HP 2017-06-20 14:38
Mandarin Oriental US$2.06.
I went in with average cost around US$1.68, now it's at 2.06. There probably is more upside if they sell the HK excelsior hotel.

Company has earmarked their Excelsior hotel in HK for a strategic review, which could lead to a potential sale. Mandarin has already obtained planning permission for the hotel to be redeveloped into a commercial development with GFA 680,000 sf.
#2 TWL 2017-06-20 09:06
Del Monte (32.5 cents): Turnaround play, Asia business growing strongly and American business turning around.
+1 #1 lotustpsll 2017-06-18 11:15
Super returns and would have ranked highly against other funds. Worthwhile efforts started from a simple idea. Look forward to your July article and new investing ideas.

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