taichungdistributors9.16Best World executive director Huang Ban Chin is the only thorn among roses (Taichung distributors).We attended an event organised by Best World top sales group in Taichung, a city on the western side of Taiwan and not too far from the popular tourist destination of Sun Moon Lake.

Called 定聚, such an event is held regularly all over Taiwan (venue can be anywhere, depends on the group).

The venue for the day was a café. About 100 people, including distributors, came from various parts of Taiwan.

See video of Best World executive director Huang Ban Chin speaking with the distributors ---> 

Distributors shared their experiences using Best World's products to existing consumers or potential consumers (who were invited by their friends).

There was no sales pressure. I sat through the two-hour event and, up till the very end, there was not any mention about how to buy the products nor was there a designated time for people to make purchases. People were free to stay to interact after the event or just leave without buying anything. 

It was purely a sharing session of experiences in Best World, how the system works and why the products are unique.

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