kevin_scully_300Kevin Scully, executive chairman, NRA Capital. NextInsight file photoI WAS A panel member in the panel piscussion organised by ShareInvestor at InvestFair 2013 over the weekend. The moderator of the session was NMP Nicholas Fang with other panel members being Gabriel Yap, Kathy Lien, and Dr Alexander Elder.
Kathy Lien is an economist/currency strategist - she kicked off discussions with a good macro view which included the all important Fed tapering.

My summary of her views is that the Fed will commence tapering this September 2013 and not December 2013.  She sees 10-year US Treasuries which now have yields of 2.5% rising to at least 3% by mid 2014 when QE3 is supposed to end. Because of this, she remains bullish on the US$.

Dr Elder and myself were of the view that this bull market had another six months to go before a meaningful correction would occur.
Investfair_2013_kevinThe crowd at the panel discussion. Photo by Kevin Scully
My macro market view remains unchanged - we are in the tail end of a bull market which started in November 2009 - with at best another six months to go.  

The main reason comes from the expected rise in global risk free rates (Kathy's view that 10 year US Treasury Yields) would rise to 3%.  

The rise in risk-free rates with subsequent rise in equity risk-free rates means that stock markets are now looking fairly valued because I did not see the stock market delivering strong earnings growth to make the markets attractive again.

I cited the three local banks recent results and highlighted that all the three banks had loan/deposit ratios ranging from 89-90% for DBS and OCBC to 97% for UOB.  This signalled to me that deposit rates and lending rates in Singapore are on the rise.  

A sustained rise in domestic Singapore deposit and lending rates could lead to the much awaited property price easing and its consequent effect on non performing loans for Singapore banks which have about 60% of their loans in the property sector.

I told the investors that they should look at sectors which are still on attractive PE valuations and which are reporting better than expected results such as the off shore oil and gas sector - I highlighted two stocks Jaya Holdings and Atlantic Navigation (I am putting Atlantic as one of my Stock Picks today) watch out for my article.

There were questions on the gold price and interest rate investments such as REITs.  

My view on gold is that if we expect further US$ strength because of the strength of the US economy and the ending of QE3 - gold, which was a hedge on an expected weak US$ should remain weak and revert to fundamental demand supply levels as will other commodities.  

On interest rate investments - I said the key question remains inflation - I mentioned that OUE Hospitality Trust which was recently listed with a yield of 7.3% looked attractive as its higher yield provided some buffer against a rise in domestic deposit rates. 

This article was first published on  and is reproduced with permission.

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#10 Lawrence 2013-08-27 18:10
After the German election,U.S debt limit all after this Sept-Oct..the market will resume uptrend..Peter Lim is buying RSP Architects and iskandar projects with Sultan of Johore..the market shd still be good
#9 Albert 2013-08-27 18:07
Gurus so called always wrong lah..just like the economists..pre diction always missed..seems more of full market after another rout in Oct 2013
#8 7169 2013-08-20 18:58
We dun see rich ppl like popiah king or peter lim giving talks and recommendating stocks right? The really rich ppl show us with real actions. They BUY , they dun talk. Like popiah king buying yamada green. U dun see him giving lecture or talks right...
#7 7169 2013-08-20 18:56
You guys trust all these so called "gurus"??

If they are really that good and accurate, they will be top 100 in the forbe list of rich ppl already :-) or at least top 10 richest man in singapore already.

We can use their recommendation as "reference" but dun over rely on them ...
#6 8657 2013-08-16 10:27
agreed. i also think that he has not been consistent with his views. in one of his previous articles about stocks selection, he said trading volume must be large enough to have a good exit price. However, the Atlantic he just recommended does not seem to have big volume
#5 Rex 2013-08-11 14:02
Eurozone is on the verge of an economic recovery. USA is seeing signs of recovery too. The world is coming out of the era of financial crisis -- I think that equity markets in this region will benefit from it. I hope I am right despite the QE tapering .
#4 jiaxu 2013-08-10 20:31
agreed. I think he was not consistent with his views. I won't bet any cents on his view.
i'm also of the view the real bull has not come yet
#3 C.C. Low 2013-08-10 05:42
Unfortunately I do not share the same sentiment as Kevin Scully. On the contrary, I am of the view that the "real" bull run is going to take place soon, probably before the year is out. Although STI has gone up over the recent years, it lacked the kind of volume that sustained previous bull runs, which can only mean that the big boys have not been fully involved yet. I would see it only as an accumulation phase preceding a real bull run. Just my 2 cents worth.
#2 fedup 2013-08-09 17:49
this guy recommended to buy ASTI at 10 cents in 2010.Lost more than 30k. never see the day light out of it.
#1 6774 2013-08-09 16:19
There is inherent conflict in his statement, tail end of bull market, means the bull is over, that means the bear is here. But he says meaningful correction, which anything 5- 15% drop. Bear market means 20%drop or more, so does he mean there will be a correction before the bull resume? If that is the case, how can we be at the tail end of bull? If we have a bear market, 20 percent or more drop, how can he be still advising on accumulating anything.

If anyone remember the momentarily 20% drop in 2012 June due to euro flare up, nothing is spared at all. They should be saying get ready to accumulate at bottom or weakness and not OUE still look attractive. I am a nobody compare to Kevin Scully, please ignore my talking to myself

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