As has been the case all these years, the AGMs will typically be held on weekdays during working hours when not many retail shareholders can attend.
This year, only 4 companies out of the 425 will hold their event on this Saturday.
One of the rare 4 is Serial System.
And it is inviting shareholders and non-shareholders alike to its AGM.
Serial chairman and CEO, Dr Derek Goh, will make a presentation on its business, and then he and his CFO, Alex Wui, will take questions.
You will learn more about the strong recovery of the semiconductor and electronics sectors that Serial System ( operates in - and why Serial achieved a solid profit in 1Q recently.
Make a date with Serial System:
Date: Saturday, April 24.
Time: 10.30 am.
Venue: 8 Ubi View, #05-01 Serial System Building, Singapore 408554
*** Serial System was rated No.1 in upside potential (100% from 8 cents to 16 cents) among small caps covered by CIMB-GK in a report on Mar 15.
*** Serial System is forecast to achieve the following % jump in net profit this year:
a) 33% by NRA Capital (ie from $7.5 m last year to $10.0 m this year);
b) 44% by SIAS Research (ie to $10.8 million);
c) 59% by CIMB-GK (ie to $11.9 million).
Non-shareholders who wish to attend are requested to email their full name, IC number and telephone number to facilitate Serial's catering of food and drinks.
Seats are limited. Please email as soon as possible to:
Read a recent story on Derek Goh's presentation at CIMB-GK Investment Centre: SERIAL SYSTEM: Sterling $2.9 m profit in 1Q on semicon rebound