SUPER COFFEEMIX, the Southeast Asian market leader for 3-in-1 instant coffees, reported a 27% year-on-year increase in net profit to S$9.1 million for 3Q09.
Sales revenue declined by 3.3% to S$77.6 million from S$80 million mainly due to decreased sales in Indonesia.
Despite the soft sales revenue and higher operating expenses, gross profit margin expanded by 3.1 percentage points, to leading to a 7% jump in gross profit to S$25.9 million.
The improvement was mainly due to lower material costs.
Net cash flow from operations rose 51% to reach S$16.4 million, and net cash balances were S$45.7 million as at 30 Sep.
Check out its 3Q09 results announcement here.
Read our visit to its massive plant in Johor: SUPER COFFEEMIX: A visit to the largest instant coffee plant in M'sia

Mainboard-listed Sunpower Group, a China-based heat transfer technology specialist, grew its 3Q09 net profits 51.1% year-on-year to Rmb14.7 million.
Net earnings had increased despite a revenue dip of 25.2% to Rmb 163.8 million, thanks to lower operational expenses and a Rmb 5.8-million reversal of impairment allowance on trade receivables.
Revenues from turnkey energy-saving and environmental-protection systems increased due to a larger percentage completion in large projects such as the flare gas recovery system for Shenhua Baotou Coal Chemicals.
However, revenues recognized for its heat exchanger pressure vessels, heat exchanger heat pipe, and pipe supports were relatively low in 3Q09 due to a higher concentration of projects scheduled for delivery in 4Q09.
Gross margins expanded by 5.2 percentage points to 20.8%. The improvement is mainly due to strong internal and operational management, leading to an improved net profit margin of 9.0% in 3Q2009 as compared to 4.4% in 3Q2008.
Its order book is currently Rmb 722.6 million.
Check out its 3Q09 results here.
Read our recent story: SUNPOWER: My visit to an intelligent city that spawns intelligent businesses