I salute Second Chance management. The latest result & esp the div are excellent, adding to the increasingly shiny track record. Just see : 3.3 cents for FY2012 + 0.5 cents due to 14 months vs 12 months FY
At 43 cents the stock price is giving a dividend yield of 8.8%.
Profit Alert
The valuations of the Group’s properties for FY 2013 as at 31 August 2013 carried out by Jones Lang LaSalle, indicate a substantial increase in value compared with the previous year which is in tandem with the rising commercial real estate market.
This will also result in a considerable increase in record net profit for FY 2013.
Will the record earnings lead to record dividends? Or since the record earnings are mostly just a non-cash jump in the fair value of its properties = no increase in dividends?
I am not sure -- cos Salleh can still entice with scrip dividends. let's see.
I have found this posting a year ago.
2nd Chance have completed mapping out the BILLION DOLLAR strategy and part of it includes holding this investment for the long term and also to invest further in REITS and property companies at opportune times. It is interesting to see what plan they are going to unfold with this latest news.