If I have caught your attention on this fella, you should have made decent gains by now. Dyna-Mac has been performacing wel above l from a listed price of S$0.35 to S$0.53 now, already broke the previous high of S$0.51. With a specialised marine business with major client like the Keppel corp, the counter coulg evem edge higer like the PEC story. Forget about invested S-Chip nightmares now and better to invest this steady growth local companies.
Dyna-Mac just closed another high of S$0.55 mid-day. The counter's volume is up and price is gaining strength to strength. Another PEC in the making perhaps. While PEC is doing S$1.19 mid-day.
Last edit: 13 years 11 months ago by TigerMel. Reason: S$0.55
wah, what price you got in at? Made a tonne of profit, ah?
Now that it has shot up to 58 cents, other people will be less optimistic about further share price gain - otherwise get caught at high prices. So can you advise us -- what you see as the fair value and why?