Dow Jones is drugged down by Europe zone financial crisis and the effectiveness of second rond Fed's stimulant. Shanghai index is down due to Chinese government raising interest rate and increasing bank ratio to curb inflation and property bubble. Hong Kong and ST index have been down and correlation to these two leading markets. My predictions for the next 3 months will be all downward trend due to war threat and instabilitly of financial situation in Europe.
Meanwhile, ST index is down on critical support level of 3,150 pts and the next lower level will be 3,124 pt registered on 27 Oct. Thereafter, the next crucial support line will be the obvious 3,100 pts. If any major crisis or war threat the ST index could pull down all the way to 3,000 pts or even the lowest level at 2,920 pts which registered on 16th August 2010.
Best Strategy now is to take a holiday break but wait and see. Sell off some shares and wait for the next entry point below 3,000 pts or 2,920 pts the safest and to make gains. My selection of counters would be Sunvic (big profits and turnaround), OCBC (second largest banks in Singapore), China Gaoxian (undervalued and to Koren listing), GMG Global (big turnaround profit and controlling major rubble plantation). So all traders take a holiday while waiting for a huge plunge like -100 pts and -200 pts on the market for re-entry.
Tiger, I am not so pessimistic. Just stay cool and ride out whatever is ahead. Who knows, the recovery may be sooner than you think. If anyone is holding, just make sure the stocks are worth holding through uncertainty. They can prove to be resilient.
Yeh, It's just too painful to carry the stock during this uncertain times. Just got burnt too many times in the market when trying to chase stocks during the uptrend. Didn't know how to run quickly and holding the dead stocks during the Clob International, still sinking in my head till today. If you need to take a deeper cut please do so now if forsee the big dip is comming because everyone will be doing the same, so don't be the last one who carry the babby. Just like what the Chinese proverb say "Just leave the mountain behind (bullets) and not worry about there are not enough burning sticks to go around later." while good opportunity will arise during a crisis. Believe me.
Last edit: 13 years 11 months ago by niadmin. Reason: shorter title