Josephine-Teo-Innotek-MD-YInnotek Managing Director Yong Kok Hoon (center) receives Corporate Governance Award for Small Caps from Guest-of-Honour, Mrs Josephine Teo (Senior Minister of State for Finance and Transport). On the right is SIAS President David Gerald.

Photos by Sim Kih

Part 2 of 2: Glimpses of SIAS Investors Choice gala dinner on 8 November at Resorts World Convention Center.

Part 1: SIAS Awards: Cordlife, Geo Energy, Eratat, WE Holdings, OKP, Sheng Siong, CAO

SMRT--CFO-Catherine-Lee-IDSMRT won the Most Transparent Company Award (runner-up) in the Travel, Leisure & Automobiles & Parts Category. Above: SMRT CFO Catherine Lee (left) with independent director Patrick Ang. 
Cho-Wee-Peng-SIAS-awardSATS CFO Cho Wee Peng (center) receives award for Most Transparent Industrials Company.

550_Centurion-CSE-NeraMost Transparent Technology Companies, L-R: Centurion (CEO Kong Chee Min), NeraTel (CEO Samuel Ang), CSE Global (Interim Group MD Lim Boon Kheng).

Midas---Patrick-ChewMidas CEO Patrick Chew (center) receives award for Most Transparent Company in Chemical & Resources

550_Yongnam---Seow-Soon-YonYongnam CEO Seow Soon Yong (center) receives award for Most Transparent Company in Construction & Materials

550_NamCheong-LeongSengKeatNam Cheong CEO Leong Seng Keat (right) with SIAS award for Most Transparent Company in Foreign Listings

550_LC-Tony-FongLum Chang executive director Tony Fong (center) receives SIAS award for Corporate Governance in Small Caps

550_Rotary_PhillipChooRotary Engineering CFO Phillip Choo (center) receives award for Most Transparent Company in Construction & Materials

550_KeongHong_StevenLimKeong Hong Lead Independent Director Steven Lim receives award for Most Transparent Catalist Company.

550Metro---Gerald-OngMetro Holdings non-executive Director Gerald Ong (center) receives award for Most Transparent Company in Retail & Household Goods.



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