Training Day: Alex Wong says investors can learn a thing or two from the tactics and strategies of the Navy Seals. Photo:

Translated by Andrew Vanburen from: 善用期權 仿效海豹突擊隊攻堅 (中文翻譯, 請閱讀下面)

THE FREE world was captivated and generally relieved earlier this month by the successful Navy Seals operation to take out terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.

But what many don’t yet realize is that their real-time tactics and long-term strategy both worked to ensure ultimate success, and I believe investors would do well to take away a few important lessons.

This month saw two major headline-grabbing events.

One was the implosion in commodity prices which was driven in large part by a topsy-turvy US employment market.

The second was the blitzkrieg raid by the US Navy Seals on the clandestine compound of Osama bin Laden.

The former is rather complex and multifaceted, so perhaps in this business cycle it is more instructive to study the Navy Seals’ success and analyze what it might mean for stock markets.

Hang Seng's 4-month tally: "It seems not even a blade of grass will sprout in this current market, so trying to piggy-back on the success of the Seals seems a bit desperate," says Alex Wong.

On the surface, the elimination of bin Laden does not necessarily mean a return to global prosperity across the board, because to be realistic (if not a shade pessimistic), the ridding of one terrorist leader does not mean the end of terrorism.

In fact, many local media reports have said as much, urging investors not to “overreact to bin Laden’s demise” or exhibit “irrational upside market exuberance”.

Prices for most commodities have nosedived of late with cotton recently falling 14% in just two weeks. But this is not all bad news, such as for consumers of the commodity such as fashion sportswear firm Xtep (HK: 1368), for whom raw material constitute 50% of total costs. Kim Eng just initiated Xtep with a BUY.  Photos: Xtep

But what is worthy of introspection is the tactical and strategic methodology of the outfit that carried out the successful operation – the Navy Seals.

Keeping bin Laden’s demise in perspective

The Navy Seals are undoubtedly a highly-efficient, modern fighting tour de force gradually assuming legendary status.

A little over two years ago, the elite unit took out three heavily-armed Somali pirates holding foreigners hostage aboard vessels off the Horn of Africa, with the shots fired from several hundred meters away.

Coal Play: Not all commodity prices have softened, with coal helped by voracious demand from the PRC.  Photo: China Qinfa

Successful stock option strategies are analogous to the success of the Navy Seals. I will attempt to explain the less-than-obvious connection between two seemingly unrelated entities.

The Seals waited nearly a decade for their call to action, no doubt patiently biding their “down-time” by keeping abreast of the latest strategic information at their avail as well as keeping one ear tuned to their sources – real or virtual – for any hard information on the latest whereabouts of the Saudi native sometimes referred to as “Geronimo.”

This was the Seal’s “long position,” their “hold pattern,” waiting for the iron to heat up before the strike (“sell”).

However, once the unit gets wind of a “20” (military jargon for a target’s location), then the wheels are set in motion, and quick sales are made to cash in on the real-time knowledge (one could even compare it to "enlightened" insider information).

Getting back to what the operation in Pakistan means for the market, it seems that not even a blade of grass will sprout up in this current lull, so trying to piggy-back on the success of the Seals seems a bit desperate.

But that doesn’t mean that we investors can’t learn a thing or two about short-term tactics, and long-term strategies – both executed to perfection by this month’s military operation.


See also:

HK Weekly Wrap: Index Adds 0.5%, 0.9% Today Despite Tighter Credit

TWO SUREFIRE MARKET STRATEGIES: Diversification, Discipline


善用期權 仿效海豹突擊隊攻堅
(文: 黃國英, 豐盛融資資產管理部董事)

上周政經大事,一為商品爆炸,二為拉登被剿。商品大勢,容後再表,本期先談拉登。無謂班門弄斧,化身地緣政治專家,僅用常識,已知拉登之滅,影響有限。之前在報章寫道:「拉登之死,不值得市場如此亢奮,今時今日,根本無人會憂慮恐怖活動的風險,何況拉登只是一個icon,不會因為解決一個人,就從此天下太平。」既謂無關宏旨,談之何益?本文主角,乃拉登對家,制其於死命的美軍海豹突擊隊(US Navy SEAL)。


黃國英, 豐盛融資資產管理部董事






此外,期權此一工具,可提供槓桿。期權長倉,風險受限,回報卻不受制約,用之可複製正股回報,卻不需承受對等風險, 動用資本亦微。恰似八十海豹,能以一敵百,戰力在八千雜牌軍之上。兩者戰績可能相若,但以海豹出陣,最多損兵數十;正規軍應戰,則可能死傷逾千。是為以小 搏大。

那是否以後只靠期權突擊,正股大軍全部解甲還鄉?劍走偏鋒,亦非吉兆。特種部隊,需用得其時、用得其所。海豹菁英,不可能次次出動,捉魚毛蝦仔又去,維持秩序又去;更不可用於持久戰,因為只有突擊,才可將雙方戰力的差距,拉到最大。爭持不下,終會釀成蟻多摟死象困局。93年摩加迪索一役(關鍵詞:Black Hawk Down),是為一例。期權亦然,時間值乃是天敵,若不理對象、誤判時機、輕率下注,用之必敗。雖然以小搏大,不會傷及筋骨,但不停小敗,也是枉然。


HK Weekly Wrap: Index Adds 0.5%, 0.9% Today Despite Tighter Credit

TWO SUREFIRE MARKET STRATEGIES: Diversification, Discipline

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