Victor Ai is Ying Li's non-executive and non-independent Director. He is also the Managing Director of EBA Investments (Advisory), a leading real estate private equity firm owned by China Everbright Limited. Photo: Company“We expect to launch pre-sales of Beijing Tongzhou’s phase I residential segment by the end of this year,” said Victor Ai, non-executive and non-independent director.
Mr Ai was also present at last week's analyst briefing.
He expects Ying Li’s Beijing Tongzhou project to be very profitable because of its strategic location.
The Beijing Tongzhou project is strategically located near the following key amenities.
» Secondary CBD of Beijing and 18 kilometres away from Beijing’s CBD
» 16 kilometres from the Beijing Capital International Airport
» Interchange station between two subway lines
» Proposed Universal Studio movie theme park
“Our acquisition cost was about Rmb 10,000 per square meter (psm). Currently, the market price for similar residential units within the vicinity ranges from Rmb 30,000 to Rmb 35,000 psm," he said.