invite fpNORDIC GROUP has just completed the acquisition of Austin Energy for S$26 million cash, or an acquisition PE of about 4X.

Austin Energy's contribution to Nordic's bottomline is expected to be signicant, going by its past performance.  Austin Energy recorded S$4 - 5 million in net profit a year on average in the past five years. (For more background, see: @ NORDIC's EGM: Big impact from acquisition of Austin Energy)

You are invited to visit Austin Energy --  one of the top 3 players in the thermal insulation business for petrochemical companies in Singapore -- to understand its business better and meet its management as well as Nordic's senior management. 

Time & date: 2-4 pm, 15 June 2015 (Monday).
Venue: Austin Energy, 24, Benoi Place, Singapore 629940.

To register for the visit, please email your name and contact number to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.

Here's an outline of the event: 

AE invite6.15

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