Then there was a retiree who has held MTQ Corporation shares since its IPO in 1988 (which is some 22 years ago).
For him and all of the rest, it was their first time visiting MTQ, which is sited in Pandan Loop.
Last Saturday (Aug 14), the company hosted 15 investors (who signed up after reading of an open invitation issued through this website) to an informal meeting with its CEO and other members of the senior management, as part of its investor relations efforts.
The CEO, Kuah Boon Wee, gave a presentation on the business of the company.
Highlights included:

* MTQ's business of servicing BOPs in the region for customers such as OEMs (Cooper Cameron and Varco- Shaffer). MTQ business is unique among SGX-listed companies.
* Higher business prospects for MTQ as owners step up the maintenance frequency of BOPs after the BP fiasco and seek the services of OEM-authorised centres such as MTQ.

* The history of MTQ’s engine systems business in Australia, its prospects and what it takes to increase the profitability of the infrastructure that has been established.
Participants engaged the CEO, his MD (Oilfield Engineering Division) Peter Lock, and Group Financial Controller William Fong in a lively and broad-ranging discussion.
The visitors then toured the MTQ plant

The NextInsight invite to the Saturday event was published here.
Recent story: MTQ's AGM: Gleaning insights into its prospects